Looking For Love at a Minnesota Oktoberfest This Weekend?Looking For Love at a Minnesota Oktoberfest This Weekend?Auf der Suche nach Liebe?CH0ADCH0AD
Wisconsin Man is Selling a Car That…Could Use a Paint JobWisconsin Man is Selling a Car That…Could Use a Paint JobOne man's OPE is another man's gooder OPECH0ADCH0AD
Dr Choad: Looking For Love? Find a Purpose, FirstDr Choad: Looking For Love? Find a Purpose, FirstDr Choad is here to help you find loveChoadChoad
DIRTY LOVE: Are Minnesotans Among the Nation’s Worst Adulterers?DIRTY LOVE: Are Minnesotans Among the Nation’s Worst Adulterers?Minnesota Nice? Or Minnesota YIKES!ChoadChoad
Find Out Your Breakup Odds Using this Relationship CalculatorFind Out Your Breakup Odds Using this Relationship CalculatorLast week we celebrated our love on Valentine's Day. This week we're looking up the odds of breaking up. There's a new four question survey that claims it can predict the probability of your relationship ending. Ashli OverlundAshli Overlund
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Bachelor Adventures: Beards Rule and I’m NOT Asking Mom THATBachelor Adventures: Beards Rule and I’m NOT Asking Mom THATI won't necessarily do anything for love, and I especially won't do THATNedNed
Judge Not, Just Know You’re Being JudgedJudge Not, Just Know You’re Being JudgedOh dating, you cray cray!NedNed
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How To Dump Someone ‘The Right Way’How To Dump Someone ‘The Right Way’'Perfect' may be relative to 'messy'NedNed
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