Where To Find Teal Pumpkins For A Safe Allergy Free Halloween
I've been promoting the Teal Pumpkin Project for the past couple of weeks so that all children in central Minnesota can have a safe and fun Halloween trick or treat experience.
Teal is the color of pumpkin that lets families know your home is a safe place for their children with allergies to come for treats. If you want to participate, put out Teal pumpkins, and make sure you only hand out non edible food items. It can be fun things kids could enjoy!
Books, coloring books, crayons, markers, halloween erasers and stickers, plastic necklaces, bracelets and rings; whatever the treat, make it non edible and fun for all the trick or treaters that come to your home.
Looking for teal pumpkins? I found the following locations to get yours today: