Being someone who LOVES baking, it's hard to say NO to added sugar. Just a little bit of added sugar everyday, can do a lot of damage over time; but you won't realize what you've been doing to yourself until you try to stop. Then everything comes crashing down around you.

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I've been on the SUGAR coaster many times in my life.  I know how to eat healthy...and have created some great habits over the last few years. Eating lots of fish and chicken; portion control and adding more water into my diet; cutting out soda. The ONE thing that has been hard for me to stop eating? Homemade baked goods.

I realized after being stuck at a certain weight, that I had to do something about this problem. I can do all of the other things, but without control over sugar, all the good habits in the world can't undo the damage that sugar does. Some people say that sugar addiction isn't real...I beg to differ. Thus; I want to share my last 48 hours of struggle, and how I got through it...FINALLY.

Day One...My goal was to drink over 100 ounces of water on day one. I failed at that...but it looked like this:


  • 5:45am....Protein shake.
  • 6:00am...Water
  • 6:15-Noon...Have 8 oz. of coffee -2 tsp. of Truvia sugar substitute, and 1 tablespoon 2% Milk.
  • 7:00am...Water
  • 9:00am...Protein bar.  Feeling hungry...but not...still want to eat something sweet.  TEXT MY NUTRITIONIST.  Encouragement keeps me from going to the vending machine.
  • 9-12pm. Drink water and sip on coffee...Think about eating fast food...but Don't!
  • 1pm...Drink water.  I'm starting to feel....weird....not hungry...just uncomfortable. Drink a protein shake.
  • 2pm....I'm tired. I take a nap.
  • 4:30...I'm still tired. starting to ache all over.
  • 5:30pm...Baked chicken and broccoli.
  • 6:00pm...water  TEXT MY NUTRITIONIST. I want to eat just because I want to eat. It's not really "HUNGER" that I'm feeling. But I know something sweet or carby would make this feeling go away in an instant.
  • Didn't work out because I felt tired and yucky.
  • 7 pm. Went to bed.


  • 546am...Woke up late for work. Feel achy all over. Do I have the flu? Do I have Covid...The answer is no. No fever... no cough...just achy because I haven't had any sugar.
  • 6am...Water
  • 6:30...Protein Shake
  • 7am-Noon...8 oz. of coffee -2 tsp. of Truvia sugar substitute, and 1 tablespoon 2% Milk.
    • 7:00am...Water
    • 9:00am...Protein bar.
    • 9-12pm. Drink water and sip on coffee...Think about eating fast food...but Don't! Text a friend whose a nutritionist. She says eat an small orange on my lunch break.  TEXT MY NUTRITIONIST.  Encouragement keeps me from going to the vending machine.
    • 1230pm...Ate chicken tenders and coleslaw.
    • 2pm...Work out for an hour. Feel awful. I'm wining all the way through it, luckily my coach is awesome...Thanks Blake.
    • 3pm.  Finally eat those 2 little mandarin oranges.
    • 4:30...I'm still tired. Still hurting all over.
    • 5:30pm...2 oz. of beef.
    • 6:00pm...water ate a piece of wheat bread with 1 tbsp. butter. TEXT MY NUTRITIONIST.  Encouragement keeps me going.
    • 8pm take a bath...go to bed.
    • Sleeping was a nightmare. I don't think I fell asleep until after midnight.
    • 10pm. Drank water...ate a protein bar.


Tanner wakes me up at 5:20 and makes me coffee.  I weigh in.  I'm two pounds lighter than I was yesterday. That's a plus!  I'm less achy...I'm feeling pretty good except for being tired.  Still tired.

7am...Drink protein shake.  My Nutritionist said to have more protien in the morning, so I ate a protein bar at 8am.  Drinking water. Already have 32 ounces in by 9 am.

Today...So far.....I feel 80% better than I did yesterday. I'm not feeling out of control. I'm planning on my lunch...Baked chicken and broccoli.  Next week, I'll try to give you an update on how the next 7 days went.

915am....Still tired. My eyes are burning. Not hungry though. My body isn't aching like it was yesterday. I'm trying to make a plan for the rest of the day.

I think the KEY to getting through the last two days was having someone to talk to in the most difficult moments. The fight isn't over yet. I'm going to keep her on speed text.

KEEP READING: Here are 6 foods from your cookout that could harm your dog

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