Good Samaritan Helps Distressed Minnesotan Lying on Busy Highway
A video shared by MN Public Safety on Twitter shows an incredible scene and act of goodwill between strangers on a busy Minnesota highway.
On Sunday morning October 24 the MN Safety Twitter account shared a harrowing video of a Minnesota driver assisting an individual in distress. "This video will give you chills," reads the tweet's caption. "Overnight, an individual in crisis laid down in the freeway. One driver stopped to help and pulled the man to safety." While camera footage is not dated, the caption indicates that the video was recorded the night before, Saturday, October 23.
In it, an individual can be seen lying down in a far lane of a busy highway. Vehicles in nearby lanes pass by, likely unaware that a person is there at all. The video speeds up and jumps ahead to a vehicle in the same lane approaching the individual. The driver slows down and puts on his hazards. The distressed individual in the road has not moved other than rising up to his hands and knees. The driver side and passenger side doors both open, and the passenger can be seen walking towards the distressed individual. He appears to hug him, help him to his feet and then hug him again before leading him out of the lane and to the median. While emergency vehicles can be seen passing in the background, the video ends before we find out how the situation resolved.
People in the video's comment section have praised the stranger for his compassion.

According to its Youtube bio, MN Safety "is made up of volunteers helping build trust, promote transparency, inform the public and make vehicle travel safer."
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