Take a Road Trip to The Largest Candy Store in Minnesota
According to an article I found at exploreminnesota.com, Jim's Apple Farn in Jordan just might be the largest CANDY store in Minnesota, bringing in 650,000 visitors a year to their big barn. This fun little getaway has added a dome like feature to their attraction which is filled with super hero's like Spider Man, The Incredible Hulk, Batman and more. The ceilings are painted with an amazing night sky. They also now feature giant singing candies, complete with stage and light show, and a Zoltar fortune telling machine, like the one in the movie "BIG" starring Tom Hanks.
This store has candies from yesteryear and all over the world: candy cigarettes, licorice, exotic candies, delectable chocolates and much more. They even have candy sushi, candy cow pies, and gummy snakes and critters. If you can think of it, you can probably find it at Jim's Apple Barn.
They don't just carry amazing candies. They are also a great place to get local produce, and yummy homemade apple pies, pastas, condiments and even fun things like bacon scented soap, pickle juice pops, and features a snake gummy bear that is 27 pounds and 306 servings. I don't want to tell you the total calorie count for that baby...but it's somewhere around 36000 total calories.
The store is open everyday, Monday through Sunday from 9 am to 7 pm. Jim's Apple Barn is located at 20430 Johnson Memorial Drive, Jordan, MN 55352.
If you stop by, make sure to send us your photos to: kelly@minnesotasnewcountry.com.
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