When you think airport, it puts a little wrench in your gut to have to go there. At least Minnesota's MSP airport is the least gut-wrenching airport in the country!

There's a ton of airports in this country, and not all of them are awesome according to the passengers who travel through them everyday. When you look at the sheer size of our international airports there's so many things that can make our experience awful. I won't even go into the airport screening and security, that's a whole different story.

The Airports Council International uses passenger survey data to compile their list of the best airports based on size, and this year they ranked MSP in Minnesota the best airport for it's size. See the official announcement here!


According to GoMN.com, this isn't the first award MSP has been awarded either - They were named at the top of the most punctual in the world, which is extremely important for airline travel, and they were also mentioned for having the best bathrooms in an airport.

So you ask again WHY you live in Minnesota??? We keep making the best in so many categories, who wouldn't want to live here. So we get a little cold in the winter. I remember yesterday it was still winter and we had 65 degree temps...

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