Born and raised in the Twin Cities, working around the Midwest in radio for over 25 years. In the summer you’ll likely find me riding motorcycle with my wife Ali. In the winter you won’t see me unless you sneak into my cave, I hate the cold. What I DO enjoy is warm weather, my family (including our labs), riding motorcycle, firing up the grill, and thanking our military service members for our freedom. I love music, especially anything from the 80s!
Barry Allen
Minnesota #2 in the U.S. for Working Moms
Raising a family isn't easy by any means. When you need to be a working mom it's downright stressful. If you're a working mom in Minnesota, consider yourself lucky compared to other states.
How Do You Compare to Minnesota’s Median Income?
You'd think Minnesotans make more money in general because our taxes and cost of living are so high compared to other states. Here's a surprise for you when you compare to your household income.
Drunken Minnesota: We Made it in the Top 10! (BURP)
We're usually at the top of nearly every list of 'the best', but this time we made the top 10 in a much less proud list. It turns our we're a pretty drunk state!
Winter is Back: 7 to 15 Inches of Snow on Monday?
We just hit the 40's yesterday and 'spring fever' was everywhere. Hold onto your snow pants, cause we could be in for a whopper on Monday!
Minnesota Has Over $500 Million in Unclaimed Money
In 2015, Minnesota had a record $711 million in unclaimed property. They're working hard to get this property to the Minnesota citizens who rightfully own this property.
Video Surfaces of Eagles’ Fan Who Stole U.S. Bank Stadium Seat
When the Eagles won the Super Bowl on Sunday, many fans attending the game at U.S. Bank Stadium started grabbing any souvenir they could, including our seats.
Jimmy Fallon Wants a Home-Cooked Minnesota Meal
Jimmy Fallon is coming to Minnesota for the Super Bowl and is taking some last minute meal ideas from Minnesotans so he can decide who's house he's going to visit for a home-cooked meal.
Minnesota Named #1 in the USA for Best Dental Health!
Most of us dread going to the dentist, and it appears that Minnesotans are the best in the United States for looking the dentist straight in the eye and saying "let's do this"!
Minnesota 2nd Best State to Raise a Family in 2018
Talk about how cold it is here all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that Minnesota is an awesome place to live. We're also the best place to raise a family in the Midwest!
Minnesota Makes Top 10 List: Best Places for an ‘Active Lifestyle’
With so many new year's resolutions that involve getting in shape, it's a perfect time to mention that Minnesota is among the top 10 in the country, even though it's frigid right now.
Plenty of St. Cloud Area New Year’s Eve Rides Available Sunday
Sunday evening will be one of the biggest party nights of the year. If you're having even 1 drink, setup a ride. Here's all the ride options available to you on New Year's Eve.
How Central Minnesotans Celebrate New Year’s [Infographic]
If you've ever wondered how you fit in the mix with your New Year's celebration tradition, you've got to see this interesting infographic. You may not be all that different!