Holiday Inn Dropping Mini-Shampoo Bottles (Would You Use a Shared Bottle?)
Holiday Inn announced today that they are getting rid of mini shampoo, conditioner, and lotion bottles for more than 800,000 of its guest rooms to cut waste. Ready to share?
Instead of using mini bottles its more than 840,000 rooms, the chain is switching to bulk-size bathroom amenities -- and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that.
Holiday Inn and it's parent company says they go through about 200 million mini bathroom supplies each year. It makes sense, but...
Yeah, I know I use the same bedspread, carpet, remote, shower, and ice bucket as other guests -- but one big jug of shampoo shatters the illusion in my mind that someone else stayed here last night.
Am I crazy (NO), but how do you feel about it.