Hockey Dad In Hot Water for Using Laser Pointer During High School Game
Kathyrn Hamer, goalie for the Medway-Ashland girls hockey team in Massachusetts, started to feel something in her eye during the third period of her team’s playoff game against Winthrop. While she compared the sensation to “looking at the sun,” it turned out the annoyance was a laser pointer.
Distracted and experiencing moments of temporary blindness, Hamer let in two goals — making a 1- to-1 tie into a 3-to-1 loss.
42-year-old Joseph Cordes, father of a player on the Wintrop team now stands accused of being the one to wield the pointer. A charge he can’t really deny, since he was caught doing so on video.
I wish I could undo it,” Cordes tells WBZ-TV. “I feel like a complete jerk. It was very stupid, completely immature for a 42-year-old man to be doing that.”
Despite Cordes’ confession, the Massachusetts high school athletic governing body is refusing to replay the third period of the game, meaning the tainted result stands. Cordes is, however, facing charges of disturbing the peace. He is also banned from any school events for the reminder of the year. Hamer has no ill effects from the laser, but she certainly has something to complain about. Watch Cordes apologize for his horrendous sportsmanship below.