Heartfelt And Humorous: What Minnesotans Would Miss The Most
There's a lot in Minnesota to love. You can start with our over 10,000 lakes and distinctive four seasons. Then there's our snowmobiling, cross-country skiing and ice skating. What about meat raffles and pull-tabs? And we can't overlook "Minnesota Nice", you can't get that anywhere else!
So if you had to leave Minnesota, what would you miss most? I asked that question on Facebook to see what Central Minnesota thought and got some great responses. It all started because i mentioned that one of the things I missed while I lived out of state was being able to play pull-tabs. Now that I'm back I've had fun with it again.
What would you miss most about MN if you had to move away?
There were lots of great responses! Some heartwarming, others funny.
- Ken Ferris - Meat Raffles
- Lynn Cedergren - Experiencing all 4 distinct seasons (even though sometimes some of them last way longer or shorter than they should).
- Brenda K. Gerrard - My friends and family
- Jessica Kowarsch - I miss Top the Tater the most. Kidding! It's my oldest but Top the Tator is a close second.
- Ebony Morgan - SNOW!
- Jamie Johnson - Miss all of the beautiful lakes.

After many years of living out of state I can whole-heartedly agree with all of these. Well wait. Let me revise that comment. I can agree with most of these comments. All except the one that said, "SNOW". I can do without that. Or at least keep it to very little snow.
Are you thinking of other things you'd miss from Minnesota now?
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