"Rolling Blackouts" are not only possible in St. Cloud this summer, they are a possibility all across Minnesota and the US.

With our long stretches of hot days ahead,  the need for electricity to cool our homes will be on the rise, and we all may have to  do our part to make sure blackouts don't happen on these incredibly hot summer days.

15 states including Minnesota, with approximately 42 million customers are a part of a regional energy pool called "Midcontinental Independent System Operator, or MISO.  According to an article by CBS Minnesota, the system was built for hot weather stretches in the summer, but there are some experts concerned that our demands for energy could still be over and above the supply available.

The question is; should we be worried about it, and what can we do to help?  Solar and Wind e3nergy is a part of the energy pool that can be accessed if necessary, and some homeowners have opted to be a part of a program that uses "Saver Switch" where the energy company can cycle out air conditioners for a few minutes every hour to help reduce the power load.

There are things we can do on our own to help with the reduction of energy use during these hot days in the peak hours, including:

  • Unplugging devices that are not being used
  • Adjusting our thermostats
  • Using fans instead of AC when possible
  • Close drapes to keep the inside cooler
  • Use electricity during off-peak hours for things like washing and drying clothes, dishes, and showering.
  • Close doors to keep the cool in and the hot out.

Sometimes we think that our efforts won't make a difference, but if we all work together we can all help our friends and neighbors get through the heat, and protect ourselves and our neighbors from rolling blackouts.


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