An Open Letter to Minnesota High School Seniors
Dear Senior Class of 2020,
Senior year is something you've been looking forward to for a very long time. It is supposed to be a year of lasts, and preparing for firsts. The last prom, the last time you cheer on your classmates at sporting events, the last time you take the field yourself, the last dress up days for spirit week, the last months you get to spend with the people you've grown up with.
This is also the time where people your age are preparing for the future. Leaving home for the first time, lining up a higher education and joining the work force.
With the outbreak of COVID-19 it might feel like it is all being taken away from you. Your second to last month of school will be taking place in your homes through a screen. All the school events scheduled for April have been cancelled or postponed. Being able to walk across the stage and receive a diploma at the end of May is up in the air.
If any generation of people is able to handle this situation, it is yours. You're the generation that is more connected than ever. You've been brought up with technology as an everyday necessity as opposed to a novelty. If anyone can handle distance learning, and staying connected with friends at the same time, it is the senior class of 2020.
Nothing will ever change the fact that you are missing out on at least a month of time with your friends and teachers, but this isn't the only time you can make memories. When this is all said and done, your friends are just a text away from being at your house. You will be running into teachers well into your adult life, and those teachers are also just a message away if you need their guidance.
This time in history is something no one is familiar with, and we are all in it together. No one has gone through this before, and as the senior class the younger kids are all looking to you for leadership. I have all the faith in the world that you will display that leadership through your ability to adapt with the times, perseverance to succeed, and a feeling deep down all will be OK in the end.
Your senior year will be one that is written into history books. Hold your head high and know that we are all so proud of you.