A New Hobby: My First Rock Mendala
Do you ever try to find things to watch on Youtube that are mesmerizing and calming all at the same time? I was looking to find tutorials about how to paint rocks for my flower garden, and after watching many different types of tutorials, ran across a video of a woman painting dots on rocks, and I couldn't get enough.
I kept watching and then looked for more, and found out that this painting technique is indeed called "dotting." I thought it not only looked fun, but calming at the same time.
Then I found videos of dotting making Mendala's. Mendala's are circular objects that amazingly are all about unity, finding peace in the symmetry, and the universe.
So over the weekend, I drove to the craft store and bought myself some outdoor acrylic paints, a few little brushes, and some laminating spray. When I got home from work yesterday, I saw this little cute black rock in my driveway. I picked it up, brought it in the house, and washed it. I set it aside.
Then later on that evening, after some stressful conversations, I decided to try painting my first rock. It took me about an hour to dot this one, but for my first try, I'm pretty happy with it. I still have to seal it up, but I actually really like the way it turned out. I was watching this video while I was making it. Maybe you will start a new hobby too.
Rock Painting 101/Youtube