The End of the Video Era – Coborn’s Closes Video Department
In a high-tech world of streaming video, thanks to Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu...renting movies on DVD and VHS is becoming a memory.
If you've been inside any of the area Coborn's stores, you'll notice the section that had all the greatest movies to rent are no longer there. It's a trend you're seeing all across the country as the digital streaming era becomes commonplace.
The once massive video rental chain store, Blockbuster, closed it's doors in 2013 due to declining video rental sales. Their last attempt to keep the "Blockbuster" name alive was by installing their Redbox-type video rental kiosks, called "Blockbuster Express" around the country at various locations. They were bought out by Redbox for $100 million in 2012.
The days of a video rental store are gone. If you still rely on the DVD rental option, you are pretty much forced to find a Redbox location, or need to subscribe to Netflix and take advantage of their original service - mail order DVD rentals.
There are still a couple DVD rental stores in the St. Cloud area, which still survive by having console game rentals (Playstation, XBox, ect.) to suppliment the decline in movie rentals:
Movies, Etc. - 204 6th Ave S, St Cloud, MN 56301
Family Video - 41 N Benton Dr, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379