Bear Spotted Overnight in Sauk RapidsBear Spotted Overnight in Sauk RapidsResidents in Sauk Rapids are being warned about a wandering bear in town.AbbeyAbbey
‘Bigfoot’ Caught on a Stearns County Trail Camera‘Bigfoot’ Caught on a Stearns County Trail CameraA friend of mine has been sharing the interesting things he's been spotting on his trail camera lately, and he had a real doozie this week.AbbeyAbbey
Minnesota’s Most Recent Bigfoot Sighting Was Deer Hunting Weekend 2020Minnesota’s Most Recent Bigfoot Sighting Was Deer Hunting Weekend 2020Minnesota's most recent reported Bigfoot sighting happened on deer hunting weekend this past November, and it wasn't even a hunter that spotted the creature. AbbeyAbbey
I Spotted and Reported a UFO Last Night in Sauk RapidsI Spotted and Reported a UFO Last Night in Sauk RapidsI was looking up admiring the stars, looking toward the north sky and suddenly a really bright star started moving. AbbeyAbbey
One of the Latest Bigfoot Sightings in Minnesota Was Near RiceOne of the Latest Bigfoot Sightings in Minnesota Was Near RiceKeep your eyes and ears open while in the Rice area. You never know what surprises 2020 has in store for us. AbbeyAbbey
Marijuana Growing Shed in Northern MN Allegedly Raided By BigfootMarijuana Growing Shed in Northern MN Allegedly Raided By BigfootAround twilight BR heard cracking sounds, looked out to investigate and saw an 8-9 foot tall Bigfoot break into his shed and carry out six plants.AbbeyAbbey