I feel like making a New Year's resolution this year is even more important because it'll be setting the tone going into a new decade. That's a lot to take in.
For many of us, the new year is the time we plan on making a big change to improve our lives. According to recent polls, nearly 40 percent of Americans annually have the resolution to live healthier.
Sure we could hit -25 tomorrow morning in St. Cloud, but that ain't nothing compared to the all-time coldest temperatures ever recorded in Minnesota. We talked about some of the coldest days in history on the show this morning.
We're nine days into the New Year, and many of us have already bailed on our resolutions, but all is not lost. This morning we talked about ways to breathe new (more successful) life back into your resolution.
Everyone compiles a list of things they want to work on for the new year, and I am no different! A new year means new beginnings, and I have taken a moment to share my personal goals for 2017!
It's that time start thinking about the new year ahead, and what we want to accomplish in the next 365 days. A new year means a new start, and I think we all can agree the end of 2016 will be a blessing. However, it is customary to have some New Years Resolutions - so we want to hear from Central Minnesotans just like yourself!