Nursing Homes See 82% Decline in Covid Cases
Many of us have been worried about our family and friends that live in senior living facilities, assisted living, and nursing homes due to what's happening with COVID. It has been especially hard on those loved ones who live in those locations without being able to see many of their family and friends like they used to, where they may not have had many visitors before, but because of COVID, that number went down to zero. Well...there is good news...not just for us...but for them. Because of the vaccination successes, it seems that their just might be a light at the end of the tunnel. I for one think we all may have learned a valuable lesson, that we need to visit those we care about a little bit more often, before we might lose the opportunity.
The American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living have released a report that shows nursing homes in the United States have seen the lowest number of new COVID cases since tracking started back in May of 2020.
What do they think these findings mean? They think that possibly the vaccinations are working.
The data shows that nursing homes have seen an 82 percent decline in new cases among their residents since the peak which was the week of December 20th. At that time there were more than 30,000 new resident cases reported.
The new data shows just how important it is for nursing homes residents and staff, as well as the general public, to get the vaccine because it is clearly working, according to mark Parkinson, who is the President and CEO of AHCA/NCAL.