Minnesota Traffic Law Could Cost You $100 or More (You May Not Realize It’s a Law) [WATCH]
There's a law in Minnesota that started last year, and a lot of people don't realize it's a law. Get busted for violation of it and you'll have a hefty fine on your hands!
When traveling on a road with two or more lanes, drivers must keep over one full lane away from stopped emergency vehicles with flashing lights activated, including ambulance, fire, law enforcement, maintenance and construction vehicles.
This law is called the "Ted Foss Mover Over Law" and police are extremely serious about it. State Patrol Trooper Ted Foss lost his life sixteen years ago when he was struck by a passing vehicle during a traffic stop on the shoulder of Interstate 90 in Winona. This prompted the law that took 15 years to put together and is aimed at making it safer for police and emergency personnel to do their job on the roads.
You need to be aware of your surroundings, and when you see lights you MUST move over a full lane. If you can't get over you need to slow way down. Failing to do this will get you fined a minimum of $100.
For more information on this law, visit the MN Dept. of Public Safety website.