I was scrolling through TikTok, as I do, and came across a video made by @tasywas detailing different Minnesota area codes as work shoes. The 27-second video had garnered 21K likes and 313K views in just two days of being posted on the app, and for good reason. The work boots this user picked out to define areas of our state hit the nail on the head.

@tasywas Replying to @shanajp Lets give the Minnesotans what they want, PART TWO. WORK BOOTS EDITION. #Minnesota #MinnesotaCheck #MN #mn #twincities ♬ Love You So - The King Khan & BBQ Show

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The only thing I would change in this lineup is the 507 area code being an ankle monitor. That area code makes up a third of the state and has way more to offer than criminals. So I made some adjustments and dove deeper into each shoe and the area code it represents. Check it out below.

Minnesota Area Codes as Work Shoes

Huge shout out to @tasywas for the excellent TikTok. It's always nice to see great Minnesota content being made!


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