Food Nooz: Central Minnesotans LOVE Fast Food! (+ more)
Over a Third of Americans Eat Fast Food on Any Given Day
I posit that nothing is more American anymore than eating fast food. The only apple pies we crave are the apple pies we're complaining about at McDonald's. A survey from the National Center for Health Statistics show that - on any given day - over 1/3 of Americans are eating fast food. Fast food isn't healthy. Shocker/not shocker: we're not a healthy nation.
Source: USA Today
Oreo Halloween Candy! And Oreo "Most Stuf" Cookies!
Double the big (and little) news from the makers of Oreo cookies!
#1: Are you ready for fun-sized Oreos?! Just in time for Halloween, Oreo has released mini-versions of their Oreos Chocolate Candy Bars. Lawdamercy...
#2: More "stuff" for the cookies! Double-Stuffed Oreos are about to be rendered not-enough as Oreo will release the 'Most Stuf" Oreos. Take one look at the picture below and say out loud: "That's a lot of Stuf!" Still not enough, of course...
Dunkin' Donuts is Bringing the Meat for Breakfast
All-You-Can-Meat is a clever play on words, but Dunkin' Donuts have made it a reality with their "All You Can Meat" breakfast sandwiches. Lots of processed meat (ham, sausage, and bacon) gets slapped onto a croissant with egg and cheese. Delicious? Yes. Healthy? Nooooooo.
Source: Elite Daily
Christmas Tree Flavored Chips?!
Christmas Tree-shaped cookies? Yessir! Christmas-flavored anything? HUH?!
A European snack brand called "Iceland" is flooding the U.K. Weird Snack Market with "Christmas Tree Flavour Salted Hand-Cooked Crisps." If you're not down with British lingo: crisps are chips to us 'Mericans (and British 'chips' are basically steak fries in 'Merica). Yes, they're meant to taste like Christmas trees. Ingredients include potatoes, sunflower oil, pine oil, and pine salt seasoning. Festive?
Source: Foodbeast