After the Easter weekend, you will have a chance to meet your State Representative for District 14B and have some great conversations about what's been happening at the Capitol and your feelings about it.

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The event will be held on Monday, April 10th, 2023 in St. Cloud at the St. Cloud Technical & Community College Atrium from 4 to 6 pm.


"I invite my constituents to join me for delicious donuts and quality conversations. I want to hear your feedback and answer your questions about the work I'm doing on your behalf at the Capitol," said State Representative Dan Wolgamott.

If you would like to attend 'Donuts with Dan,' please reach out to for an assigned time to meet with Representative Wolgamott.

This event is open exclusively for residents of Minnesota House District 14B.

The House of Representatives is not in session on Monday in observance of the Easter/Passover legislative recess.


'Donuts with Dan' will be taking place on Monday, April 10th, 2023 from 4 until 6 pm. The location of the event is St. Cloud Technical and Community College in the Atrium.


State Representative Dan Wolgamott has a weekly program with me on "It Matters with Kelly Cordes" on AM1240/95.3FM WJON from 10:40 am to 11 am each Wednesday. On the program, Dan and I have discussions about what's been happening at the Capitol that week; specifically some of the bills that aren't typically heard about in the media; but some of the less known bills and concerns that we have in central Minnesota. Dan also gives us a sneak peek at how things work and progress through the House of Representatives and then updates us on the passing of bills that affect our area.

Dan invites you to contact him with any concerns you may have as he works for you. You can always contact him by reaching out to him at or by calling him at 800-920-5884.

You can also contact Dan by writing to him at the following address.

State Representative Dan Wolgamott
Speaker Pro Tempore

401 State Office Building
St. Paul, MN 55155


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