Day 15 of My 3 E’s: How are the Sugar Cravings?
I'm not sure why it's different this time. I've tried to quit sugar before; rarely going a day without some form of it. Going more than a few days without a pop? A muffin? A piece of candy? Not likely. Something flipped a switch in me and has made me hang on for two weeks...and still counting.
Here's a reminder. My 3 E's: Make it Enjoyable...Easy to follow and Effective.
People keep asking me what diet plan I'm on. Actually..I'm not on any plan. I still eat food...I just don't eat processed sugar. I don't eat things like cookies, muffins, candy. I don't drink pop. I don't have sugar and cream in my coffee...I drink almond milk instead of real milk. I don't have donuts. Instead, I've been drinking close to 100 ounces of water a day. I start my day off with an apple, and a Mauer health bar, which has only natural sugar in it. I drink black coffee. If I want bread, I stop by Mixin' It Up Bakery in Sauk Rapids and get a loaf of Keto/Paleo Bread. It gives me the texture I need, without the sweetness. I love it..my kids...not so much. All the better for me right now.
I've been eating Salad everyday, with a variety of veggies in it. Typically red and green peppers, shredded carrots, a variety of greens from spinach, to spring mix, to romaine all in one salad. It gives my salad variety and texture. I always enjoy onions, sometimes mushrooms, and add sunflower seeds. I still have two tablespoons of regular Western dressing with my salad.
I've been eating mostly chicken and seafood; but have had a couple burgers. I haven't completely eliminated bread and milk and potatoes, but have had only maybe one bun in 15 days... one glass of milk in that time period, and I think I've had two baked potatoes.
My goal is to reduce my sugar cravings and it has worked. I haven't removed the zucchini bread, the candy corn, or the cookies and pop from my view. No I haven't. As a matter of fact, I can't remove it from the world. I know it will always be there. Saying NO has to come from within...if you are really willing to say NO, then you can say no wherever you are. Saying NO has been my choice. I could reach across my desk and open that Mountain Dew that has been sitting there for a month. I could open my glove box in my car and eat the candy corn that is stored there. I could walk in my kitchen and eat the pumpkin roll that is sitting on my counter. I don't. I remind myself of my new "NO EXCEPTIONS RULE." Kelly...don't do it. Don't.
I can tell you that I've had few rough days, but eating a lot of salad each day definitely helps with that. It fills you up. If you're going to sit and eat something while you're on a computer or watching TV, do it with Salad. If you think you get tired of it...if you mindlessly eat and aren't sure if you're hungry? Just eat salad. It's good for you!
The things I found most surprising on my journey thus far at the beginning of day 15 without sugar, is that I feel so much more alert. I'm super happy when I wake up... I don't ache when I wake up... What?! I though that was just being middle aged, but it seems to be related to sugar cravings.
Right now I'm working on reaching 40 days without processed sugar. I'm not counting calories...I'm not watching my weight. I'm exercising at least two hours a week, and I'm taking things one step at a time. I'm paying attention to how I feel...and I feel great.
I always thought that there was NO way I could stop eating sugar. I love to bake, I love to enjoy sweets. It's how I reward myself when I'm happy, stressed or celebrating. Now I've been replacing that idea with other things. You can too.
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