Let's be honest, no Christmas is ever perfect. No matter how much we plan for the holidays and try to make it all run smoothly, sometimes things just happen. It's OK because it happens to the best of us...we screw up Christmas somehow.

According to a new survey, here are the four most common ways Minnesotans screw up Christmas:

1. Forgetting the batteries. I can't tell you how many Christmases I spent staring at the toys I've wanted all year but I couldn't play with them because my parents forgot the batteries. It's not the end of the world, but it can create one frustrated child. Parents, hide the TV remote batteries!

2. Not RSVPing to parties. It's not that you do this on purpose...there's just so much going on during the holidays that it's easy to forget. When you're invited to two holiday parties, three cookie exchange parties, four secret Santa parties and five Christmases it's easy to get things messed up.

3. Forgetting to send someone a holiday card. It's not a big deal if you don't send out holiday cards altogether. But, if you do and you forget someone on your list, this could be extremely problematic. Don't lose friendships over easy mistakes!

4. Burning Christmas dinner. Hungry guests on the holidays can be so unforgiving. Don't make the mistake of burning Christmas dinner. If it's your first time making the holiday meal, maybe do a practice run a few weeks before!

What's your worst Christmas disaster story? Share it with us in the comments below!


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