Your Guide to Hunting Season in Minnesota 2018
Bring out the blaze orange, hunting season is here in Minnesota! Here is a run down of what you will need to know for the coming weeks.
11/03/18 - 11/18/18 Firearm season - 100A (North East MN)
11/03/18 - 11/11/18 Firearm season - 200A and 300A (the rest of the state, excluding the metro)
- You are required to have your license with you while hunting and traveling to and from your hunting location.
- Licenses can be purchased after the start of the season but may not be valid immediately. So buy yours before Nov. 3rd to play it safe!
- After a deer season is open, a bonus permit is valid the same day of purchase if it is purchased before legal shooting hours.
Harvest Registration: There are three ways to register tour harvest.
- Phone - call 1-888-706-6367 and follow the prompts.
- Online - http://licenses.dnr.state.mn.us/
- Walk In Big Game Registration Stations - Find a list here
Other Changes for 2018:
- Blaze pink is now acceptable to wear in place of blaze orange. This change was made in 2017.
- The bag limit for deer in intensive management areas remains at 3 deer. It was reduced from 5 in 2017.
- Deer feeding continues to be prohibited in areas where chronic wasting disease has been detected in captive deer. This includes all of Aitkin, Crow Wing, Kandiyohi, McLeod, Meeker, Morrison, Stearns, Wright and portions of Cass, Mille Lacs and Renville counties.
- Hunters are limited to one antlered buck per calendar year. Shed antlered bucks may be tagged and registered as an antlerless deer. The one antlered buck (e.g. one antler ≥3 in length) provision applies statewide
Any other information on the upcoming deer hunting season can be found on the MN DNR website! Good luck hunters!
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