What’s The Big Deal About A College Degree?
Does a College degree matter in today's' world? Most people that say it's NOT necessary, either have been able to have a way 'IN' for a job, like a parent that taught them the family trade, a Grandmother or Grandfather that taught them how to run a business; or they are people that aren't looking for specific careers; they are individuals that want any job that can make them money right now. But when you get older...that might change!
The thing is...there's nothing wrong with that. UNLESS....You desire something MORE from life. For many people, being happy with their career choice IS important. It was for me.
I know a lot of young people that don't want to take the time out of their lives to get a degree.Yes. College takes time and costs money. But in today's world the options are incredible; and having that education DOES make a difference. The good news is, it DOESN'T have to take long.
Our Minnesota Colleges and Technical schools have so many programs to choose from. You can take online courses. You can get a two year degree, a four year degree; Education coupled with some new life experiences will take you places you may NEVER would have been able to go with it.
The experience of college offers life skills in and of itself. Living on campus; a first time experience being on your own. While I was at Bemidji State University from 1985-1989, I learned how to be a Broadcaster. I learned how to study. I learned how to communicate with others. I was able to travel to Bismarck North Dakota for an internship. I learned how to take care of myself, do my own laundry...fend for myself for food. I learned a lot!
With my youngest son graduating this year, I want him to have those experiences. I want him to have choices. I want him to have that stepping stone into the real world.
There are plenty of jobs that you can receive on the job training for; and if those are the jobs you want, and you have a way IN without a degree; then maybe you don't NEED a degree; BUT....I have to say I know more people that say they WISH they would have continued with some education; for better career options and money making possibilities.
Check into it! Give yourself the opportunity. You DESERVE the best. :-)