What Does ‘Naturally Flavored With Other Natural Flavors’ Actually Mean?
Hats off to labels. Do you read the labels on every product that you buy? Sometimes you can come across some pretty interesting descriptions. Sort of like this label.
Rose's has several different flavors of its syrups, but this particular syrup has an interesting label. "Peach Syrup- Naturally flavored with other natural flavors." Does that mean that the other flavors TASTE natural? Or ARE they natural? I'm sure I'm overthinking this. Maybe this doesn't confuse you; but maybe it does.
Rose's Blueberry syrup is labeled differently. It's "Naturally and artificially flavored." Their Strawberry syrup is just like the peach. It's naturally flavored with other natural flavors. Rose's Simple Syrup has no natural or artificial flavorings. It's just made from cane sugar. So I guess its flavor is sweet?
Here's my beef. What is the difference between a natural flavor and an artificial flavor? Aren't they the same? I mean, if it was made from natural ingredients, it would say something like "All Natural." It sounds to me like naturally and naturally flavored, are just another way of saying naturally and artificially flavored. Don't ask what the other natural flavors are either, because apparently, no one knows. They aren't listed on the bottle.
I'm not the only person who wonders about labels like this, and what they mean. There is a book called "The Warning Label Book" written by Joey Green, Tony Dierckins, and Tim Nyberg. that my boyfriend Darin had in his collection. (Obviously, labels drive him crazy too).
Some of my favorite warning labels from the book include:
- Warning: Do not use in shower. Never use while sleeping. This warning was found on a Conair Pro Style 1600 hair dryer.
- Found on almost all bottles of shampoo: Wet hair. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. If you follow these instructions literally, you'll never get out of the shower!
- Found on packaging of Betty Crocker Fruit Roll-ups: Peel fruit from cellophane before eating. OMG: I just realized there are probably a lot of folks who didn't do that.
- Batman Costume: Warning: Parents: Please exercise caution-Mask and chest plate are NOT protective; Cape does not enable wearer to fly.
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