Top Phrases That Only Make Sense If You’re From Minnesota
Growing up in Minnesota, I used to tell myself how great it was that I was raised somewhere that I didn't have an accent. Seriously, that is what I honestly thought. But then I moved to New York City after graduating from BSU and people made fun of me for calling my carbonated drink a "pop" instead of a soda. Then they'd give me a hard time for how I said the word "bag" or "flag".
That's when I realized, I did indeed, have an accent. That's also when I realized that there are quite a few sayings that you'll only understand if you're from Minnesota. And now Only In Your State just released the Top 9 silly sayings that will only make sense if you're from Minnesota.

I wanted to know if Minnesotans would agree with these and if there were more that didn't land on that list. So, I asked you to chime in on facebook and here's what YOU came up with.
Stacy: Uufda
Carrie: BERmidji
Cindy: For Cute.
Ellen: We're going to the Cities this weekend.
Mindy: Ope, let me sneak by!
Tara: What Kind of hotdish are you bringing to the potluck?
Lori: Yeah sure, you betcha.
What do you think? Did you agree with all of these? Feel free to message me in the App with any other additions.
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