The Sweetest Deal Awaits You When You Adopt Sasha & Diego
Do you love animals? Maybe you are in the same position I was in a few years ago when my beloved Sampson suddenly passed away. I was heart broken. I didn't think I wanted another dog.

Then I saw little Gloria. She had lost her person. They passed away and suddenly she was alone. I can't imagine how she felt when that happened.
When I saw her, my heart started to heal. When I brought her home, her heart was healing too.
I mention all of this, because there are a pair of senior dogs, just like my little Gloria, that are the longest residence of TCHS, and they are looking for their forever family.
Sasha and Diego have been waiting to find their forever family since December 9th. They have now become the longest-resident dogs at Tri-County Humane Society. In an animal shelter where most dogs only wait a few weeks (or sometimes only days or even hours) to find the right home, these two 10-year-old mixed breed pups have been waiting long enough.
Because their are so many wonderful volunteers that give them love, that their quality of life is fine. They’re getting multiple walks a day and plenty of playtime. But nothing is better than a real home with the same people every day.
To sweeten the deal on these two sweet senior dogs, Tri-County Humane Society donors, staff, and volunteers have assembled a going-home basket that will get these two off on the right paw.
To make the deal even more sweet, these two dogs have also had all of these services completed:
· Bloodwork checking their thyroid, kidney and liver, and blood cell counts
· 4Dx test which includes Heartworm/Anaplasmosis/Lyme/Ehrlichia
· Vaccinations including rabies and distemper
· Adoption fee decreases! (They have been #BOGO since they’ve been in TCHS’ care, too.)
Now that's a sweet deal. Not to mention; the best part; you have not one; but TWO new best friends.
Call TCHS today or visit them online at tricountyhumanesociety.org to set up an appointment to adopt your new dogs today.
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