Coke Releasing New Flavor That's Been Around Since Early 1900sCoke Releasing New Flavor That's Been Around Since Early 1900sThe flavor first surfaced clear back in 1905. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Coke Banks on Nostalgia Reviving Drink From 1930s in the U.S.Coke Banks on Nostalgia Reviving Drink From 1930s in the U.S.The drink made its original debut in Mexico in 1938 and will soon be more widely available in the U.S. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Coca-Cola Issues Massive Recall: Thousands of Drinks Mislabeled Coca-Cola Issues Massive Recall: Thousands of Drinks Mislabeled The drinks actually had sugar in them even though they were labeled "zero sugar."Rob CarrollRob Carroll
You Probably Don't Know the Odd Meaning Behind Pepsi's NameYou Probably Don't Know the Odd Meaning Behind Pepsi's NameIt has nothing to do with drinking soda. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Minnesota Man Finds, Drinks 15-Year Old Unopened Can of CokeMinnesota Man Finds, Drinks 15-Year Old Unopened Can of Coke"It's been frozen and thawed at least fifteen times, cause it's gone through 15 winters," he says. "And we're gonna open it, and see what it's like."AdamAdam
There is NO WAY That This is Minnesota’s Most Iconic Soft DrinkThere is NO WAY That This is Minnesota’s Most Iconic Soft DrinkFirst of all, it's called 'pop' around these parts.AbbeyAbbey
Whoah, New York Seltzer Is Back. This Was My Childhood FavoriteWhoah, New York Seltzer Is Back. This Was My Childhood FavoriteIf you were a kid growing up in the 80's then you very likely drank New York Seltzer religiously. After many years of being long gone, they've come back in some stores!Barry AllenBarry Allen