Sunday evening will be one of the biggest party nights of the year. If you're having even 1 drink, setup a ride. Here's all the ride options available to you on New Year's Eve.
If you've ever wondered how you fit in the mix with your New Year's celebration tradition, you've got to see this interesting infographic. You may not be all that different!
Everyone compiles a list of things they want to work on for the new year, and I am no different! A new year means new beginnings, and I have taken a moment to share my personal goals for 2017!
It's that time start thinking about the new year ahead, and what we want to accomplish in the next 365 days. A new year means a new start, and I think we all can agree the end of 2016 will be a blessing. However, it is customary to have some New Years Resolutions - so we want to hear from Central Minnesotans just like yourself!
A few years ago I resolved to drink more champagne in the New Year, meaning I planned on celebrating more. Not sure if I did, but I still like that one. I'm not a big 'resolutions' guy, but I saw one this year that I'm stealing and making my own. I don't even remember where I saw it, but it's perfect. (And it's one I can stick to.)