‘Survivor’ Casting Call Happening in Minnesota March 12th‘Survivor’ Casting Call Happening in Minnesota March 12thSurvivor is teaming up with WCCO to hold open auditions at the Twin Cities Auto Show on March 12th.AbbeyAbbey
‘Survivor’ Casting Call Happening in Minnesota on Wednesday 3/13‘Survivor’ Casting Call Happening in Minnesota on Wednesday 3/13Once the tribe has spoken, you'll be asked to leave Minnesota immediately to go Outwit, Outplay, and Outlast.AbbeyAbbey
‘Survivor’ Casting Call Taking Place in Minnesota Oct. 27th‘Survivor’ Casting Call Taking Place in Minnesota Oct. 27thThe tribe has spoken, it's your turn to go to the island and be the next survivor! AbbeyAbbey
MTV Will be in St. Cloud TodayMTV Will be in St. Cloud TodayMTV is holding a casting call on the St. Cloud State campus this afternoon for their hit show 'Made'.Lynn QualeLynn Quale