Roadside Pumpkin Wagons in Rural Minnesota are My WeaknessRoadside Pumpkin Wagons in Rural Minnesota are My WeaknessI can't be trusted to be traveling back roads alone right now, because I WILL be stopping at every pumpkin wagon I see.AbbeyAbbey
Mysterious Stone Wreaths in the Elmdale, MN Cemetery ExplainedMysterious Stone Wreaths in the Elmdale, MN Cemetery Explained I thought I would never find out what the story was behind these unique pieces, but once again the internet came through. AbbeyAbbey
5 Things That Annoy People From Rural Minnesota5 Things That Annoy People From Rural MinnesotaIf you come from rural Minnesota you know that there are certain things that can be just outright annoying. AbbeyAbbey
13 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’ve Lived on a Minnesota Gravel Road13 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’ve Lived on a Minnesota Gravel RoadThere's something special about gravel roads. I think that is why so many country singers write songs about them. AbbeyAbbey
86-Year-Old Avon Man Creates Total-Body Home Workout Device86-Year-Old Avon Man Creates Total-Body Home Workout DeviceLast week it took my co-worker, John Uran, and I out to the back roads of Avon to see a new workout device invented by an 86-year-old man.AbbeyAbbey