St. Cloud Named Worst Minnesota City to Drive In
The number crunchers at Wall Street 24/7 have collected and analyzed the data to determine the worst city for driving in every state -- and the winner in Minnesota is (drum-roll) St. Cloud.
They created an index that looks at several driving-related measures including average commute time, gas prices, and accident rates.
Minnesota: #1 Saint Cloud
- Traffic fatalities per 100,000 people: 11.1 (state: 6.4)
- Avg. commute time: 20.9 min. (state: 23.8 min.)
- Commuters driving to work: 89.6% (state: 86.2%)
- 2017 car thefts per 100,000 people: 151.2
On every road in the country, driving comes with a set of inherent risks and costs. Congested roads, high gas prices, and fatal collisions caused by distracted or drunk drivers are but a few. While drivers accept these road conditions, potential hazards, and costs when they get behind the wheel, not all cities are equally safe or congested, and some are certainly more expensive for drivers than others.
Frankly, I don't see it. I mean St. Cloud has plenty of bad drivers -- but so does every other place I've ever driven.