Prepare For Massive April Flooding In Central Minnesota?
Local Author Curt E. Wood, who has written a book called, "Decoding Earths Hidden Secrets" and has a website called , and has recently sent me some interesting information regarding what might be happening this spring with our recent weather conditions. According to Curts researcy, he feels that the rains will begin by late April, and that May is going to be a mess. When we get to 12 hours of sunlight, melt intensifies and he is expecting it to happen around April 20th.
Curt E Wood says to prepare for MASSIVE flooding.
Here is the message I received from Curt:
Good Morning Kelly,
I will TRY to keep this short. I ran the statistics for our season, and we need to prepare for massive flooding. I am enclosing a graph I ran, and there are many reasons behind it, but what is out west will come our way. We are now exceeding 2008, the year we lost most of the central US to the Mississippi, the great flood, and this will be greater.
I go to the college this afternoon and am actively working on the paper and my experiment, it's a great success, but it came only after MANY failures. He had me write up an assembly of the system, and this is where my cad drawings come in. I thought I could do it quickly but as I began to write it up I quickly realized one thing, the amount of thought that went into it. It's one of my fault's, I often see the simplicity of something and not understand the complexity of it to others. I think this is what the college is helping me understand.
Sending you an image of the photo of the temperature gauges Sunday Afternoon and this morning. These gauges will now continue to rise indefinitely until something melts down. What is heating it is a seed warmer on the top supplying 8.5 watts and a 6 watt heater on the bottom. Your cell phone uses up to 6 watts of power when charging, and the temperatures continue to slowly rise at about 1F every 4 hours now. I will begin release at 110F, I estimate this will occur within 7 days. The reason I want to hit 110F is this is greater than the lower heater can attain on it's own.
Have a Great Day!
If you are interested in learning more about Curt E. Wood's discoveries, check out his website, or get his book "Decoding Earths Hidden Secrets" and learn more about his ongoing and continuing research.