It's that season... the season of Fall everything, pumpkin spice, apples, orchards, and a lot of Halloween decorations and novelty items.

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We used to have just 4 Monster cereals.  Boo Berry, Count Chocula, Franken Berry and Fruit Brut.  Now, I am seeing so many other new cereals from almost every cereal company.  The latest is this one... which doubles as a promotion for the Netflix series of the same name... Wednesday.

The Wednesday cereal is from Kellogg, and is brand new.  By the way those Monster Cereals are put out by General Mills, and they have had the market on these Halloween cereals for something like 100 years.  Ok, might be less than that, but a long time.  And now there are these infiltrators!

Overreaction, I know.  But one of the things that you will find with this particular cereal is that it will probably not be back again, unless they renew Wednesday for another season.  So, if you want to pick up a bit of TV hype and help out the show at the same time, go for it!

If you are interested in trying out this cereal, and want to know what the flavor is, well it's black and white...cookies and cream.  Pitch black chocolatey puffs with vanilla flavored white marshmallows.  The cereal is available at St. Cloud Target stores for over $5 a box.  It is a family sized box, so it could be worse, even though I do think that's expensive for cereal.

Wednesday fan?  This cereal is for you.  Probably turns the milk all chocolately too, so there's that bonus.

LOOKS: Things you'd likely see in an awesomely '80s garage

From scandalous bikini calendars to your dad's AMC Gremlin, '80s garages were a treasure trove of adventure, good fun, and sometimes downright danger.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

Most popular grocery stores in America

The most popular grocery stores in America, from corporate chains to family-owned enterprises. Stacker ranked them using consumer ratings sourced from YouGov polls.

Gallery Credit: Stacker


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