Mr. Bean Escapes: AGAIN!
Calling all house cat people. How do you keep your cat from running outside? Mr. Bean was an indoor/outdoor cat when I found him at Tri County Humane Society. He was about 7 years old, and obviously loved the outdoors.
We used to live alongside the river; but still in Princeton. He would take off for a day or two at a time, and eventually he'd be waiting at the front step to come back in the house.
This cat has had his share of ups and downs. A few years ago, when we lived in the country at a different location, he ended up with an infection that almost ended his life. I had noticed he wasn't coming back from a recent escape, and it looked like we were going to have a terrible storm. My son Tanner told me that Mr. Bean had tried to follow him down the driveway when he took Sampson for a walk; luckily we walked that path and found Mr. Bean meowing and hiding in a wood pile at the neighbors house about a 1/4 mile away. I think he lost his sense of smell as he was getting sicker. Luckily, we took him to Northwoods Animal Hospital in Princeton and Dr. Jeremy Riddle saved his life. It took about 3 months for Mr. Bean to get back to being fairly normal. Now, you'd never known he was so sick. That means; he is back to escaping.
Every time we open the door, he tries to run out. We spend many evenings walking the streets of St. Cloud looking for Mr. Bean, and typically he's ready for us to carry him home after an hour or so of exploring. But yesterday was different. I had places to be. I was outside at 3 15 am. I peeked in my front door to see if he was trying to get out when I opened the door. Sure enough; he was right there. I barely opened the door and flagged him back and he tried to jump my hand; I held him as I was holding the door; awkward position mind you, and finally he wiggled away; I was left with his collar in my hand.
I started following him. He ran across the street to City Hall. I followed. He looked at me; meowed and ran further; this time across another street! I followed. He finally ran into someone's yard. This is where the chase stopped. I figured creeping in someones yard for my cat was going to far; and had to go back home.
As I headed out for my appointment, Tanner took over the search. After Tanner wandered the streets of Princeton, he found Mr. Bean safe and sound in the garage waiting for Tanner to let him in the house to get fed. UGH!
I have a system of letting Mr. Bean out in his kennel every evening in the backyard, so he can enjoy the outdoors safely. He seems to like it; but I guess nothing feels like a good run and romp through the grass. I sure would like some recommendations. I worry about him and we need this cat. I'm so thankful that he came back!
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