MN State Trooper Pulls Over Woman, Gives Her N95 Masks Instead of a Speeding Ticket
It was the first weekend of the Stay At Home Order in Minnesota. I tried my best to stay off social media and news sites as best I could in an effort to detach for just a moment. But all this time at home lends itself to a fair amount of Facebook scrolling. A story I saw on Saturday I thought was worthy of sharing.
Sarosh Ashraf Janjua was pulled over for speeding by a Minnesota State Trooper on 1-35. She is a cardiologist from Massachusetts that travels to Minnesota every month to work. Because she was pulled over for speeding, she was fully expecting to get a ticket, instead she was shown what Minnesota Nice is all about.
He went back to his patrol car to look up my license, and when he returned, quite firmly told me it was very irresponsible of me to be speeding, especially since I would not only take up resources if I got into an accident, but would also not be in a position to help patients.
Feeling thoroughly chastised, I waited for him to write me a ticket. Instead, he told me he was going to let me off with a warning.

Instead of a ticket the trooper, Brian J Schwartz, handed Sarosh five N95 masks. His own supply the state had provided to him for his protection on the job. With those masks on short supply, this gesture of kindness was enough to make tear up.
Sarosh shared this sentiment at the bottom of her Facebook post:
The veil of civilization may be thin, but not all that lies behind it is savage.
We are going to be ok.
We are all in this together.
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