Is Take-Out & Delivery Food Safe Amid Coronavirus Outbreak?
Earlier in the week, Minnesota's governor ordered restaurants and bars closed expect for take-out and delivery -- but is the food safe amid the COVID-19 outbreak?
It's seriously something I have been wondering.
According to information from the CDC and the FDA, is appears the answer is yes -- it's safe. There's no evidence of the virus being spread through food. (That assumes that the eatery practices good health measures, which they are always required to do.)
Evidence suggests that the virus could live on surfaces for a while, so you should treat any packaging like other surfaces that could be contaminated.
Another question I've been pondering is one I also think about during raging snowstorms: "Should I risk the delivery driver's safety in the current environment -- or would they prefer the business and cash?"
My assumption is that the businesses and workers appreciate the money, otherwise why would they be offering delivery? That money pays bills and supports families. #TipWell
Another option would be take-out. There are clearly no perfect solutions, so we just need to go forward and do our best. Reduce risk (as best we can). Support local businesses (as best we can).
What about packaging safety? According to the CDC:
It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.
Just to be safe; throw away packaging that come with your food, and disinfect the surfaces in your home that it comes into contact with.
Restaurants already operate on a thin profit margin. Order often, be kind, stay healthy, tip well. Seriously, over-tip (which not might even actually be possible given the current landscape.)