We love our pets! They're part of our families...they're our fur babies!

Like our human babies, we (hopefully) want our fur babies to be happy. But happiness isn't always cheap.

Singing Guitarist
Money can't buy happiness...but it CAN buy a sweet tux and a guitar! (Getty Images)

A company called VIP Petcare found out that the average amount of happiness money pet owners spend on their pets is about $2260...every year.

That's over $183 per month.

Guggenheim And Dogs
Pffft. Pocket change... (Getty Images)

Only about $300 of that was spent on "unexpected health care costs," the rest on spoiling.

All of this over the average lifespan of 10 years adds up to about $20,000 per pet. Spendy? Yes.

Worth it? YASSSSSS!

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