Happy Birthday Puffy! From Meowma
My FIRST real friend in the world was this lady. I found her on the playground at Princeton South Elementary school. Alone...sitting atop the monkey bars. I asked if I could join her. We've been friends ever since.
I remember walks by the Rum River, Making Meow mix Muffins for her cats. Eating her moms delicious Nut Goodie Bars.
I remember being introduced to Amy's best friend, Ann. Who then also became one of my besties. Ann and I met in Mrs. Skavnak's 4th-grade class. She sat two seats down from me, and we were in trouble for talking the day we met.
The three of us started out in the world...on the playground...It was Meowma (Me), Puffy (Amy) and Tuffy (Ann).
We celebrated holidays...birthdays...we traveled to Disney World with Marching Band, to New York City with Choir. We went to prom...We traveled, we laughed. We went to college together!
Amy visited me when I had my first son in Kentucky, and brought him a spotted stuffed rabbit, whom we lovingly name Spot. My son Drew still has his bunny, Amy. Still!!!
Amy was supposed to marry my little brother, but he was taken before she decided to settle down.
Amy...for all the good memories...I miss you terribly but I'm so happy for you and the life you are living! Have the best birthday ever!
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