Make sure you have an ice scraper ready to go in your car, areas of patchy frost are expected Friday and Saturday morning across the St. Cloud area.

National Weather Service
National Weather Service

'Tis the season for having to allow yourself extra time in the morning to scrape your windows off, just to be able to see on your way into work.

St. Cloud's first frost happens on average between September 21st and September 30th, and we have yet to see it appear as we are now well into October.

Frost develops when the temperature is cold enough for water molecules in the air to freeze. The process is called Deposition (it’s the opposite of evaporation). Ice crystals appear without liquid water ever forming. This happens most frequently on surfaces that are wet and get cold much faster than the air around it like grassy fields, roof tops, or your favorite frost sensitive plants.

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Frost mainly forms on nights that are clear and cold with calm wind, which is exactly the forecast overnight Thursday into Friday, and Friday into Saturday.

If you've been up early enough, you might have noticed a lot of excess moisture on your vehicle that was parked outside. I know I've been seeing it every morning and dreading the day all that water freezes over.

Take a few minutes today to pull the ice scraper out of the place you tucked it away for safekeeping last spring. You'll need it sooner rather than later.

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