Don’t Forget These Items When Packing for WE Fest!
'Twas just two days before WeFest, and all through the office
We were all too excited, couldn't get one thing accomplished.
Or something like that. Happy WeFest Week! The big event kicks off Thursday, but everyone knows you don't want to miss the pre-parties at the Barn Stage on Wednesday night. While you are getting ready to head up to Detroit Lakes for the weekend, here are a few things to remember to bring. These are also the things I usually forget to pack.
- Shower shoes - Boots or sneakers for out and about, throw away flip flops for the morning shower.
- An external phone battery - No one likes a dead cell phone, and charging them can be a struggle if you're tenting it.
- A toothbrush - And if you're feeling extra generous, bring a few extra new ones to help a friend out.
- Basic medications - Advil, benadryl, a first aid kit, accidents happen, and you'll be the group hero if you come prepared.
- Coffee or energy drinks - WeFest is full of long days and late nights. Don't forget to bring what you need to keep the pep in your step.
- Water and Gatorade - Hydrate or Die-drate.
- Cheap sunglasses - DO NOT BRING THE GOOD ONES. I had a cheap pair with a couple years ago and some drunk guy actually traded me his nice ones for them. That'll never happen again.
Have a great WeFest everyone! Be sure to check out the camping guide for this year and say hi to Kelly and Ned at the 98.1 tent!