Doggy Dish Debate: Is Letting Your Pet Clean Your Plate Safe?
Yesterday I asked you a question regarding your dogs. Do you let your dogs lick your plate clean after you are done eating?
I asked the question because, although I do that also, I put bleach and dishwashing liquid in my dishwater, or I rinse all of my pets' dishes off and throw them in the dishwasher. (I try to wash their dishes after every meal, but I have to admit, that doesn't always happen.)
I was washing dishes for a friend recently, and I noticed some of the plates had a serious slimy coating. I know what that is. It's from his big dog licking the plate. I asked him if he had any bleach I could add to the water and he said, "No. Dishsoap gets everything clean." Well...I have to disagree. Even after washing the plates in dishwater, they were still slimy. I washed and scrubbed with a scrubber and a washcloth and they were still slimy.
I wanted to find something else to add to the dishwater, but I couldn't find anything.
According to, they say that if you want to give your dog your dinner plate after you're done eating, it's completely up to you; but there are some reasons you may want to reconsider or at least take into consideration before you share.
Washing dishes thoroughly will remove MOST bacteria from your plates. But if you are hurrying through the process, bacteria risks remain. Dogs that are fed raw meat can have bacteria that can last up to 32 hours on surfaces. Symptoms of Salmonella include diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, and fever.
Remember, that some dog likes to put their mouths in pretty gross places. Garbage, dead animals outside, and not to mention the poop eaters out there.
Human food typically isn't very good for dogs, so make sure you're feeding them a balanced dog food diet, and that licking the plate may be just a treat now and then. You also need to make sure that you don't have things like spicy foods, garlic, onion, syrup, or sugar. All of those things are toxic to your pooch.
Listeners using the 98.1 App had this to say about our question of the day:
Beth from Long Prairie says: Not usually, but we have 5 dogs and only 3 plates. Otherwise. It would be a yes!
Vonnie in Randall says: I've always let my dogs lick the plate. But have a dishwasher, and bleach in the wash.
Nate Dog from Sauk Rapids says: Absolutely not! To me, that's just gross. We scrape it into the garbage then spray the plate clean with water.
AnswerS from our Facebook from 98.1 Nation:
Kelly Cordes from 98.1
Okay Okay. I'm a country bumpkin. Yes...I let my little dog lick my plate when I'm done.BUT..I also put a little bit of bleach and Dawn dishwashing liquid in my dishwater; or I use a dishwasher to clean the plates to make sure all the germs are killed.
Stephanie Reinke Nilsen
My husband let's our dog lick the plates before they go in the dishwasher.
Patty Hinkemeyer
My husband used to let our dog. I hated it.
Jennifer Schwendinger Halloran
It depends if the leftovers are safe for them to eat & how well they’re paying attention.
Paul Fisk
It's called pre-washing.
Missy Crosby
Yes. It's better than plugging up the drains.
Glow Be
Michael Noonan
Becky Nordeen
Annette Lambert
Terry Hass
Lisa Danielson Ettle
Absolutely! Then put it back in the cupboard it's so clean.
Joanne Lester
No Way!
Pam Ross - Hayft
Of course! But only foods with no spices... she's part of the family.
Kim Schuety Johnston
Nope!! Gross!!
Elizabeth Shipp
My dog is a super clean girl. She licks the plate, but not if we're eating anything spicy. She's a lab. How could you not?
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