Toys have changed so much since I was a kid many years ago. The standards back then were dolls, toy guns, matchbox type cars, and toy soldiers.  

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Thankfully, toys have improved over the years. I remember when we would shop with and for our granddaughter, we were a bit overwhelmed at times with all the selection and of course the prices of some of these toys.  

Over the last few years, our granddaughter has begun to gravitate to these Mini Verse toys. These are miniature versions of food, kitchen appliances, clothes and more that she enjoys collecting. She really keeps up with which ones are the rarer pieces, and when the new series models come out.  

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When she visited us here a few weeks ago, we spent some time looking for the lates series of a certain kind of these mini toys hoping she would get some of the pieces that she really wanted. 

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These toys come in little bags inside a plastic ball, and you don’t know what you are getting until you open the bag, which leads to the allure of the toy.   

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So, imagine my surprise and some degree of panic when I saw yesterday that there was a recall of these toys. The concern is over the unused resin that is found in these toys, when it becomes a liquid, can cause irritation to the users' eyes and skin or there can be respiratory problems.  

Once these resins are cured, they is no longer a problem according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.  

If you or your child uses these toys and has unused resin, you're urged by the makers to stop using them immediately. You should contact MGA, you could receive a full refund or a replacement item. Their email address is 

There were over 20 million of these miniverse toys sold in the U.S. and over 1 million sold in Canada.  


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