Space Alert! Don’t Miss Out On This Unique Space Viewing Opportunity
If you love looking at the night sky as much as I do, you may want in on this early morning cosmic excitement that will be happening on the morning of June 29th.
Three planets will be lining up with the moon beginning Saturday morning, June 29th and will last all the way through the month of July.
According to Sky & Telescope, Jupiter and the moon will be visible along with Saturn and Mars in the early morning hours just before the sun comes up.
You won't need binocolars or a telescope to see the planets. How do you see them? Mars will be really bright, and have a red tint.
Saturn will look like a really bright star, but won't have that 'twinkle effect' that stars usually do. If you have a telescope or strong binoculars, you'll be able to see Saturns rings for yourself. It's been described as a 'truly unforgettable moment that everyone who has the opportunity should see." NASA says that Saturn will be close enough to the moon that they both might be visible in the same field of view depending on the equipment that you are using.
Our largest planet, Jupiter, will be what's been described as "exceptionally bright and easily identifiable" in the early morning sky.
Other planets that actually will be in the morning sky but much harder to see will include Uranus and Neptune. In order to see them, you'll need your binoculars or a telescope. By the way, if you don't have either but live in the St. Cloud area, you can sign out a telescope at the Great River Regional Library for FREE!
If you have access to a telescope there will be a pretty neat event happening tomorrow morning, Saturday, June 29th. Jupiter is having a solar eclipse of its own. Io, one of Jupiter's moons will be crossing Jupiter and will cast a big shadow along the surface of the big planet. If you want to see this phenomenon, you'll want to be looking through your telescope around 3:21 am until 5:31 am central.