Central MN’s Small Town Festival Community Calendar 2017
We're nearing small town USA festival season! Every small town in central Minnesota puts on a huge party. Here are just a few of our favorite towns that are doing things up pretty big this summer. There's really no reason to ever be bored this summer!
St. Cloud
St. Cloud's Granite City Days festival kicks off on Thursday, June 22 with the Lemonade Art Fair at St. Cloud State University. The festival includes the Granite City Days Parade, Sing! St. Cloud karaoke contest, family movie night at the Paramount Theater and more.
Sartell Summerfest kicks off on Friday, June 9 with Libertyville Kids activities, music and inflatables at Pine Meadow Elementry. Other events include a parade, street dance and fireworks.
Sauk Rapids
The Rapids River Days three day festival gets underway on Thursday, June 22 with the announcement of Sauk Rapids' Community Ambassadors. The Rapids River Days parade is scheduled for Friday, June 23rd. Things will conclude on Saturday night with the annual Rapids River Food Fest.
Cold Spring
Cold Spring's Hometown Pride Days gets underway July 28th and 29th. The festival will include a community garage sale, train rides, bingo, food competitions, live music, Firefest and more.
St. Joseph
The annual Joetown Rocks event kicks off on Monday, July 3rd with food, live music, a cake walk, games and more. The annual Fourth of July parade gets underway at 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 4.
Waite Park
Waite Park's Family Fun Fest is set for June 5 through June 11. Events include a citywide garage sale, car show, food, book sale, parade and more.
Foley Fun Days' three day festival kicks off on Monday, June 19. There will be a midway with rides and games, a parade, live music, food and more!
The 26th annual Rice Family Fun Days is set for Saturday, August 19. Festivities include a parade, kids activities, fire fighter water fights, a street dance and more.
Richmond's River Lake Days is set for Friday, June 19. The two day festival will feature live music from Diamond Back and Levi Pelzer, car show, parade, food, games and more!