5 Amazing Uses for Hairspray in MN That Don’t Involve Hair
Hairspray has been used over the years for many different kinds of hairstyles. Here in Minnesota and beyond, lots of folks use it. Aqua Net has helped many people mold their hair into place like the old school feathered hair or to the more extreme, a mohawk.
So, can you believe there are actually many different ways that you can use hairspray? Plus, none of them have anything to do with hair. It's true. Hairspray can actually be used to detract dust, clean and shine!
1. Dry Nail Polish: Just hold the hairspray 8" away and spray thoroughly. This dries them quicker and adds a protective layer.
2. Keep Dust Off Curtains: Hairspray has anti-static qualities. So, when you spray something like curtains it makes it tough for dust to cling to it.
3. Add Shine to Gifts: Spray wrapped gifts and add a fun shiny coating!
4. Prevent or stop a run in tights: Spray new tights to keep them from running. Also, you can spray a run that's already started to make it stop.
5. Keep Flowers Fresh: Want your fresh cut flowers to last longer than a week? Hairspray can extend the life of the flowers. Just coat the flowers with hairspray and let them dry for 10 minutes. Repeat that two more times. Then just spray them 2 times a week moving forward.
More tips from One Good Thing and Better Report.
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