Listening to a killer guitarist is awesome (and listening to a killer guitarist while exercising can be beneficial to your health)...but what about listening to just the guitarist? The only correct answer is, "YEEEEAHHH!!!!!"

The wonders of technology (specifically, multi-track recording) makes it possible to isolate a specific instrument. It's a great way to learn the guitar part from the masters themselves. It's also a way to better appreciate Hall of Fame talent. Below are 12 isolated tracks. A simple Google search will find even more. Cheers!

H/T: Guitar Player

"Unchained" - Van Halen

"Back in Black" - AC/DC

"Photograph" - Def Leppard

"Sharp Dressed Man" - ZZ Top

"Money For Nothing" - Dire Straits

"One" - Metallica

"Hotel California" - The Eagles

"Highway Star" - Deep Purple

"Paradise City" - Guns N' Roses

"Fairies Wear Boots" - Black Sabbath

"Whole Lotta Love" -- Led Zeppelin

"Every Breath You Take" -- The Police

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