10 Things That Seem Weird to People Not From Central Minnesota
Every region has their weird little ticks and traditions. Central Minnesota and the St. Cloud area are no different! Here are 10 things that people visiting the area might find a bit strange.
- Driving your tractor to school on the last day of class.
- Getting an award for your tractor that you drove to school on the last day of class.
- Honking at the strange man in the Superman shirt on Division in St. Cloud
- Pushing a "cow button" every time you go to the grocery store.
- Jumping off dangerous cliffs into the quarries in Waite Park on a hot summer day.
- Taking a picture in the Gopher Bargain Chair every year and laying them out side-by-side to see how much you have grown.
- Ordering a drink called the Hairy Buffalo at MC's Dugout.
- Chasing a pig down the street on a Monday in Foley.
- Purposefully making plans to be out of town on SCSU move in weekend.
- Clearing your Wednesday night schedule every Wednesday in summer to be at Summertime by George.