10 Commandments of Being a Millennial Adult
Millennials get a bad rap. They also get bad rock. Probably bad pop, too.
The New York Post came out with ten things Millennials consider essential to "adulting." So what else could I do besides call it Commandments to maybe scare them a bit.
Ten Commandments of Being a Millennial Adult
#1 Thou Shalt Work Steadily
Sometimes thou art the farmer, other times thou art the mule (Getty Images)
#2 Thou Shalt Not Suckle Off Thine Parents' Financial Teet
"For the love of Zeus, buy your own damn sandals!" (Getty Images)
#3 Thou Shalt Payeth Thine Own Debts
Is it just me, or are things kinda repeating? (Getty Images)
#4 Thou Shalt Pay For Thine Own Shelter
Don't kick me, bro. I ain't dead, yet! (Getty Images)
#5 Thou Shalt Pay For Thine Own Mode of Transportation
Our deductible is gonna skyrocket higher than Frank! (Getty Images)
#6 Thou Shalt Budget Thine Finances
I feel like the last few could've been combined into one, but then we wouldn't have ten...
OMG! Let's turn our budgets into Papier-mâché art! LOL! (Getty Images)
#7 Thou Shalt Fileth Thine Own Taxes
Get used to feeling like this every April... (Getty Images)
#8 Thou Shalt Provide Thine Own Sustenance
Every day is carb-loading day! (Getty Images)
#9 Thou Shalt Not Inhabit Thine Parents' Household
Okay I'm dead now. Kick this dead horse. (Getty Images)
#10 Thou Shalt Not Be Tardy To Thine Employer
Right after this move... (Getty Images)
Aside from basically repeating several things (seriously, all of these could be combined into "thou shalt properly manage thine finances), they left a few key life stuffs out:
- bathe regularly
- do your own laundry
- keep up with the news
- don't say on social media what you wouldn't to someone's face
H/T: New York Post